ford fusion 2013 key for sale
ford fusion 2013 key for sale

ford fusion 2013 key for sale

Ford Fusion 2013 Key For SaleSource:

Are you looking for a replacement key for your Ford Fusion 2013? Perhaps you lost your key, or it got damaged, and now you need a new one. Whatever the reason, you can find a replacement key for your Ford Fusion 2013 at various places. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about getting a Ford Fusion 2013 key for sale.

Where to Find a Ford Fusion 2013 Key for Sale?

Where To Find A Ford Fusion 2013 Key For SaleSource:

There are several places where you can find a Ford Fusion 2013 Key. One of the most common places is your local Ford dealership. They can provide you with a replacement key, but it can be a bit expensive. You can expect to pay around $100 to $300 for a replacement key, depending on the dealership’s location.

Another option is to get a key from an automotive locksmith. They usually offer a more affordable price than the dealership. However, make sure to check their credibility and reputation before making any transactions.

You can also purchase a Ford Fusion 2013 key online. Some online stores offer the keys at a more affordable price than the dealership. However, make sure only to purchase from reputable and trustworthy online stores to avoid scams and fraud.

How to Get a Ford Fusion 2013 Key Replacement?

How To Get A Ford Fusion 2013 Key ReplacementSource:

If you need a Ford Fusion 2013 key replacement, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your vehicle identification number (VIN).
  2. Contact your local Ford dealership, locksmith, or online store.
  3. Provide them with your VIN and proof of ownership.
  4. Wait for the replacement key to arrive or schedule an appointment for programming.

How to Program a Ford Fusion 2013 Key?

How To Program A Ford Fusion 2013 KeySource:

If you bought a new Ford Fusion 2013 key, you need to program it to work with your car. Here are the steps:

  1. Insert the original key and turn the ignition to the “on” position. Don’t start the engine.
  2. Wait for about 10 minutes until the security light on the dash goes off.
  3. Turn off the ignition and remove the original key.
  4. Insert the new key and turn the ignition to the “on” position. Don’t start the engine.
  5. Wait for about 10 minutes until the security light on the dash goes off.
  6. Turn off the ignition and remove the new key.
  7. Test the new key if it’s working by starting the engine.


Ford Fusion 2013 Key FaqsSource:

What should I do if I lost my only Ford Fusion 2013 key?

If you lost your only key, you need to provide the VIN and proof of ownership to the dealership, locksmith, or online store to get a replacement key. You also need to have your car towed to the dealership or locksmith since they need to program the new key to your car’s computer.

How much does it cost to program a Ford Fusion 2013 key?

The cost of programming a Ford Fusion 2013 key varies depending on the dealership or locksmith’s location. However, you can expect to pay around $50 to $150 for the service.

Can I program a Ford Fusion 2013 key by myself?

No, you cannot program a Ford Fusion 2013 key by yourself. You need to have a special programming device that only dealerships and locksmiths have access to. Moreover, your car needs to be physically present at the dealership or locksmith to program the key.

Can a Ford Fusion 2013 key be duplicated?

Yes, a Ford Fusion 2013 key can be duplicated. However, you need to have at least one original key to make a duplicate. You also need to go to the dealership or locksmith to have the duplicate key programmed.


If you need a replacement key for your Ford Fusion 2013, you can find it at the dealership, locksmith, or online store. Make sure to check their credibility and reputation before purchasing. Moreover, programming the new key to work with your car requires special equipment and skills, so it’s best to have it done by a professional. Now that you know everything about Ford Fusion 2013 key for sale, you can make an informed decision on where to get your new key.

Related video of Ford Fusion 2013 Key for Sale: A Comprehensive Guide