ford gt ordering kit for sale
ford gt ordering kit for sale

ford gt ordering kit for sale

Ford GtSource:

The Ford GT is a legendary supercar that has been around for over half a century. It’s a beautiful, sleek, and powerful machine that has captured the hearts of car enthusiasts all over the world. If you’re a fan of the Ford GT, you may be interested in purchasing an ordering kit for the car. In this article, we’ll take a look at everything you need to know about the Ford GT ordering kit for sale.

What is a Ford GT Ordering Kit?

Ford Gt Ordering KitSource:

A Ford GT ordering kit is a package that includes all the necessary components to build a Ford GT. This kit is sold by Ford to individuals who have been approved to purchase a Ford GT. The kit includes a wide range of parts, from the engine to the wheels to the seats. The kit is designed to be used by experienced mechanics who have the skills and knowledge to build a car from scratch.

Who Can Buy a Ford GT Ordering Kit?

Ford Gt BuyerSource:

To purchase a Ford GT ordering kit, you must first be approved by Ford. Ford has a rigorous application process for individuals who want to purchase a Ford GT. The application process includes an extensive background check and financial review. It’s also important to note that the Ford GT ordering kit is not for everyone. It’s designed for experienced car enthusiasts who have the skills and knowledge to build a car from scratch.

What Comes in a Ford GT Ordering Kit?

Ford Gt ComponentsSource:

The Ford GT ordering kit includes all the necessary components to build a complete Ford GT. This includes the engine, transmission, suspension, brakes, wheels, tires, seats, and more. The kit also includes detailed instructions and documentation to help you build the car. It’s important to note that the Ford GT ordering kit does not include everything you need to build a car. You’ll also need to purchase additional parts and tools to complete the build.

How Much Does a Ford GT Ordering Kit Cost?

Ford Gt PriceSource:

The cost of a Ford GT ordering kit varies depending on several factors, such as the year, model, and options you choose. The price can range from $50,000 to over $100,000. It’s important to note that the cost of the kit does not include the cost of additional parts and tools you may need to purchase to complete the build.

Where Can You Buy a Ford GT Ordering Kit?

Ford Gt Ordering Kit For SaleSource:

You can buy a Ford GT ordering kit from Ford directly. However, it’s important to note that Ford has a limited number of kits available and they are only sold to individuals who have been approved to purchase a Ford GT. You can also find Ford GT ordering kits for sale from third-party sellers. However, it’s important to be cautious when purchasing from third-party sellers to ensure you’re getting a legitimate kit.


The Ford GT ordering kit is a great option for experienced car enthusiasts who want to build their own Ford GT. While it’s not for everyone, it’s a great way to get a unique and personalized car that you can be proud of. If you’re interested in purchasing a Ford GT ordering kit, be sure to do your research and follow all the necessary steps to ensure a successful build.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I purchase a Ford GT ordering kit if I’m not an experienced mechanic? A: No, the Ford GT ordering kit is designed for experienced mechanics who have the skills and knowledge to build a car from scratch.
Q: Do I need to purchase additional parts and tools to build a Ford GT from an ordering kit? A: Yes, the ordering kit does not include everything you need to build a car. You’ll need to purchase additional parts and tools to complete the build.
Q: How much does a Ford GT ordering kit cost? A: The cost of a Ford GT ordering kit varies depending on several factors, such as the year, model, and options you choose. The price can range from $50,000 to over $100,000.

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